Mississauga, ON Demographics
What is the population of Mississauga, ON?
Population by gender
% of Total | ||
Total Population | 717,960 | |
Male Population | 351,545 | 49.0% |
Female Population | 366,415 | 51.0% |
Average Age | 41.1 |
Male Population 49%
Female Population 51%
Population by age group
% of Total | ||
Under 14 | 109,320 | 15.2% |
15 to 24 | 96,325 | 13.4% |
25 to 34 | 100,160 | 14.0% |
35 to 44 | 91,190 | 12.7% |
45 to 54 | 98,020 | 13.6% |
55 to 64 | 103,535 | 14.4% |
Over 65 | 119,400 | 16.6% |
Under 14 15.2%
15 to 24 13.4%
25 to 34 14%
35 to 44 12.7%
45 to 54 13.6%
55 to 64 14.4%
Over 65 16.6%
There are 717,960 residents in Mississauga, ON, with an average age of 41.1. Males make up 49% of the population, while females account for 51%. Locals over 65 years old represent the largest age group in Mississauga, ON (119,400 individuals), followed by those aged under 14 (109,320 people).
What is the marital status of Mississauga, ON residents?
% of Total | ||
Married | 316,235 | 52.0% |
Common Law | 26,750 | 4.4% |
Single | 190,760 | 31.3% |
Separated | 14,180 | 2.3% |
Divorced | 30,475 | 5.0% |
Widowed | 30,240 | 5.0% |
Married 52%
Common Law 4.4%
Single 31.3%
Separated 2.3%
Divorced 5%
Widowed 5%
A total of 190,760 people in Mississauga, ON have never been married (which represents 31.3% of the population). Wedded people in Mississauga, ON (316,235 locals) account for 52% of the resident pool. Meanwhile, approximately 4.4% of locals live common law (that’s a total of 26,750 people).
What are the employment statistics in Mississauga, ON?
Unemployment rate | 14 | 37.0% |
% of Total | ||
Management | 4,955 | 1.3% |
Business, finance and administration | 82,165 | 22.1% |
Natural and applied sciences | 48,950 | 13.2% |
Health | 23,720 | 6.4% |
Education, law, community and government services | 34,620 | 9.3% |
Art, culture, recreation and sport | 9,330 | 2.5% |
Sales and service | 90,300 | 24.3% |
Trades and transport | 56,875 | 15.3% |
Natural resources and agriculture | 2,295 | 0.6% |
Manufacturing and utilities | 18,080 | 4.9% |
Management 1.3%
Business, finance and administration 22.1%
Natural and applied sciences 13.2%
Health 6.4%
Education, law, community and government services 9.3%
Art, culture, recreation and sport 2.5%
Sales and service 24.3%
Trades and transport 15.3%
Natural resources and agriculture 0.6%
Manufacturing and utilities 4.9%
Mississauga, ON has an unemployment rate of 14%. Regarding the most common jobs in Mississauga, ON, people working in Sales and service account for the largest share of the local workforce (90,300 individuals), followed by those in Business, finance and administration (82,165 individuals) and Trades and transport (56,875 individuals).
What language is most spoken in Mississauga, ON?
% of Total | ||
English | 676,630 | 94.6% |
French | 7,395 | 1.0% |
English and French | 6,705 | 0.9% |
Neither English nor French | 24,110 | 3.4% |
The majority of Mississauga, ON residents (that’s 94.6%) speak English.
What is the median household income in Mississauga, ON?
Median household income | $102,000 | |
Median after-tax household income | $89,000 |
The median household income in Mississauga, ON is $102,000, while the median after-tax household income sits at $89,000 per year.
How many households are there in Mississauga, ON?
% of Total | ||
Total households | 244,580 | |
Owned households | 172,225 | 70.4% |
Rented households | 72,355 | 29.6% |
Owned households 70.4%
Rented households 29.6%
Household size
Average household size | 2.9 |
% of Total | ||
1 person | 47,335 | 19.4% |
2 person | 67,705 | 27.7% |
3 person | 47,360 | 19.4% |
4 person | 47,210 | 19.3% |
5 person | 34,965 | 14.3% |
1 person 19.4%
2 person 27.7%
3 person 19.4%
4 person 19.3%
5 person 14.3%
Households by age of primary maintainer
% of Total | ||
Under 34 | 28,340 | 11.6% |
35 to 44 | 40,875 | 16.7% |
45 to 54 | 51,605 | 21.1% |
55 to 64 | 58,260 | 23.8% |
Over 65 | 65,495 | 26.8% |
Under 34 11.6%
35 to 44 16.7%
45 to 54 21.1%
55 to 64 23.8%
Over 65 26.8%
There is a total of 244,580 households in Mississauga, ON, 70.4% of which are owner-occupied and 29.6% of which have renters living in them. Meanwhile, the average household size in Mississauga, ON is 2.9 people. Of the total households here, those with 2 people living in them account for the largest share of the market (67,705 households), followed by establishments occupied by 3 people (47,360 households). Moreover, families whose primary maintainer is over 65 years old represent the largest percentage of the total households in Mississauga, ON, at 26.8%.
What are the housing characteristics of Mississauga, ON?
Year built
% of Total | ||
Before 1945 | 3,770 | 1.5% |
Between 1946 and 1960 | 13,955 | 5.7% |
Between 1961 and 1970 | 27,360 | 11.2% |
Between 1971 and 1980 | 47,655 | 19.5% |
Between 1981 and 1990 | 47,955 | 19.6% |
Between 1991 and 2000 | 46,745 | 19.1% |
Between 2001 and 2010 | 39,275 | 16.1% |
After 2011 | 17,855 | 7.3% |
Before 1945 1.5%
Between 1946 and 1960 5.7%
Between 1961 and 1970 11.2%
Between 1971 and 1980 19.5%
Between 1981 and 1990 19.6%
Between 1991 and 2000 19.1%
Between 2001 and 2010 16.1%
After 2011 7.3%
No. of bedrooms
% of Total | ||
No bedrooms | 1,275 | 0.5% |
1 bedroom | 31,240 | 12.8% |
2 bedrooms | 49,850 | 20.4% |
3 bedrooms | 79,885 | 32.7% |
4 or more bedrooms | 82,320 | 33.7% |
No bedrooms 0.5%
1 bedroom 12.8%
2 bedrooms 20.4%
3 bedrooms 32.7%
4 or more bedrooms 33.7%
Property type
% of Total | ||
Single-detached homes | 90,660 | 37.1% |
Apartments | 66,830 | 27.3% |
Attached homes | 86,830 | 35.5% |
Movable homes | 255 | 0.1% |
Single-detached homes 37.1%
Apartments 27.3%
Attached homes 35.5%
Movable homes 0.1%
Median home value | $900,000 | |
Average home value | $999,000 |
Home improvement needed
% of Total | ||
Regular maintenance | 179,580 | 73.4% |
Major repairs | 11,625 | 4.8% |
Minor repairs | 53,370 | 21.8% |
Regular maintenance 73.4%
Major repairs 4.8%
Minor repairs 21.8%
Single-detached houses account for 37.1% of the residential buildings in Mississauga, ON. Apartments make up 27.3% of the Mississauga, ON housing market. Meanwhile, the median home value here is $900,000 and the average figure sits at $999,000. Of all the properties in Mississauga, ON, 4 or more bedrooms units include 82,320 (the highest share) and 3 bedrooms units have 79,885 (second-highest share). Regarding year of construction, properties built between 1981 and 1990 and between 1971 and 1980 hold the highest counts, at 47,955 and 47,655, respectively. Notably, when it comes to the condition of these homes, most of them require regular maintenance (73.4%) and minor repairs (21.8%).
What is the education level in Mississauga, ON?
% of Total | ||
No diploma | 80,295 | 13.3% |
High school diploma | 152,265 | 25.2% |
Apprenticeship diploma | 22,470 | 3.7% |
College diploma | 99,290 | 16.4% |
University diploma (below bachelor level) | 18,635 | 3.1% |
University degree | 230,635 | 38.2% |
No diploma 13.3%
High school diploma 25.2%
Apprenticeship diploma 3.7%
College diploma 16.4%
University diploma (below bachelor level) 3.1%
University degree 38.2%
Approximately 25.2% of the population in Mississauga, ON has a high school diploma (that’s 152,265 residents). Mississauga, ON locals holding a college diploma (99,290 people) account for 16.4% of the resident pool. Additionally, 38.2% of them hold a university degree (230,635 people).
What is the average commute time in Mississauga, ON?
Average commute time | 28min |
Commuting mode
% of Total | ||
By car, truck or van | 180,545 | 82.7% |
By public transit | 24,890 | 11.4% |
By bicycle/by walking | 7,065 | 3.2% |
By other methods | 5,845 | 2.7% |
By car, truck or van 82.7%
By public transit 11.4%
By bicycle/by walking 3.2%
By other methods 2.7%
Commuting destinations
% of Total | ||
Commute within the same municipality | 106,490 | 58.9% |
Commute to another municipality within the same province | 74,055 | 40.9% |
Commute to a different province | 325 | 0.2% |
Commute within the same municipality 58.9%
Commute to another municipality within the same province 40.9%
Commute to a different province 0.2%
Commuting duration
% of Total | ||
Less than 15 minutes | 41,835 | 19.2% |
15 to 29 minutes | 83,990 | 38.5% |
30 to 44 minutes | 53,060 | 24.3% |
45 to 59 minutes | 18,620 | 8.5% |
More than 60 minutes | 20,845 | 9.6% |
Less than 15 minutes 19.2%
15 to 29 minutes 38.5%
30 to 44 minutes 24.3%
45 to 59 minutes 8.5%
More than 60 minutes 9.6%
Most employed people in Mississauga, ON (83,990 individuals) travel 15 to 29 min to get to work, followed by those who commute 30 to 44 min (53,060 individuals). All in all, the average commute time in Mississauga, ON is 28 min. The preferred commuting mode here is by car, truck or van and most employed Mississauga, ON locals commute within the same municipality to get to work.
Methodology & Disclaimers
Demographic data shown in this section was gathered from the latest U.S. Census Bureau release, the 2021 American Community Survey. The information is updated yearly, as soon as new data is made available by the US Census Bureau.
No representation, guarantee or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information modified or aggregated for specific neighborhoods and/or zip codes.